Starting a Perennial Herb Garden with Thyme

Growing perennial herbs is an easy way to start gardening and growing healthy food at home.

We have many perennial herbs in our garden, including oregano, mint, sage, and chamomile, but the one that gets the most use in the kitchen when preparing meals is the thyme.

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Freshly harvested thyme ready to go into the dehydrator at 110 degrees F for 4-6 hours.

We use fresh and dried thyme during the summer and dry quite a bit of it in our dehydrator for adding to dishes during the winter. Thyme is a delicious addition to soups, stews, sauces, and other recipes, like this creamy coconut milk garlic chicken.

Its culinary versatility and ease of growing make thyme a great choice for the new gardener. Here are some fast facts about growing thyme to get you started.

Growing Thyme in Your Perennial Herb Garden

  • The thyme plant is a small, woody shrub native to the Mediterranean. It prefers to soak in a lot of sun but can tolerate partial shade.
  • The soil you plant your thyme in should drain well to prevent root rot. Thyme is drought tolerant, making it easy to maintain outdoors even in drier climates.
  • Plant new thyme in the spring after the threat of frost and allow at least a month for the plant to establish itself before harvesting any of the leaves.
  • Once thyme is established, you can harvest as needed, but take only one-third of the plant.
  • Thyme is a member of the mint family, but don’t worry, it doesn’t spread aggressively like many of its cousin mints.
  • Thyme grows up to about 12 inches tall, which makes it a good choice for small spaces and patio containers.

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Published by Sheryl Davis

Sheryl Davis is a freelance writer and chief homesteading officer at Cedar Swamp Homestead. She loves spending time in the garden, baking up new treats with homegrown ingredients, and writing for a wide variety of businesses and industries.

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